Monday, March 28, 2011

Benefits of Aloe Vera Uses: Efficacy of Treatment of Diseases With Potions Aloevera

Benefits of Aloe Vera Uses and Efficacy of Treatment of Diseases With Aloevera Potions - First aloe vera plant or Aloevera merely for ornamental plants complement the park was home yanag home. After doing research it turns out the aloe vera plant has many benefits sekalu. Among them are for treatment.

In addition to nourish hair, aloe vera is also known efficacious for treating some diseases. Among diabetes mellitus and heart attacks.

Aloe vera or Aloevera is one of the potent medicinal plants to cure various diseases and useful for health . This plant has been used the Samaritans around 1875 BC. The ancient Egyptians already know the benefits of aloe vera as a medicine about 1500 BC. Thanks to his usefulness, the ancient Egyptians called it a plant of immortality.

A traditional medicine peracik Greek named Dioscordes, said that aloe vera can treat various diseases. For example, ulcers, skin bruising, cracking, blisters, hair loss, hemorrhoids, and sore throat.

In his report, Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer of medicinal plants, says that the efficacy of aloe vera no other because these plants have sufficient nutrition for the human body. Results of other studies on Aloe vera showed that carbohydrate is the largest component after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.

According to one observer of health food (supplement), Dr. Freddy Wilmana MFPM SpFK, from about 200 species of aloe vera plant, which is suitable for treatment is a type Aloevera barbadensis miller. Aloe vera contains 72 types of substances needed by the body.

Among the 72 substances the body needs it there are 18 kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and the substance class of drugs, including antibiotics, antiseptic, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anti-infective , anti-inflammatory, antipembengkakan, antiparkinson, antiaterosklerosis, and antiviral resistant to antibiotics.

Given the complete content of it, according to Dr. aloe vera. Freddy was not just useful to maintain health, but also overcome many diseases. For example, aloe vera can reduce blood sugar in non insulin-dependent diabetes.

Containing Antioxidants

According to Drs. Freddy, some mineral elements contained in aloe vera is also serving as forming a natural antioxidant. For example, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.

Even the results of research by scientists from the United States said that in Aloevera barbadensis miller there are some substances that can function as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are useful to prevent premature aging, heart attacks, and some degenerative diseases.

Aloe vera stimulates the growth of new cells in the skin. Mucus contained in aloe vera lignin substances that can penetrate and soak into the skin. This will keep mucus fluid loss from the skin surface. As a result, the skin does not dry quickly and look younger.

In addition to hemorrhoids, aloe vera can be overcome swelling in the knee joints, cough, and wounds. Aloe vera also helps cope with constipation or difficult bowel movements because the mucus is bitter and contain laktasit, so it is a good laxative.

So far, according to Dr. Freddy, studies have not found adverse effects the use of aloe vera. If there is a problem, it is only in the form of allergy in those who have never consume aloe vera.

To remember, according to Dr. Freddy, the nature of the aloe vera plant is almost similar to the apples when discharged directly bitten by brown. It can be a sign of Aloe vera has been oxidized, so that some substances that contain damaged.

Benefits and Prescription herb aloe vera to treat disease:

Aloe Vera For Sore throat

How Concocting: 1 Aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. It contained chopped or blended. Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Drink 3 times daily. Hemorrhoid

How Concocting: Half (1 / 2) stem prickly aloe vera leaves removed, washed, and shredded. Give half (1 / 2) cup of hot water, then wring it out. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. In warmer conditions, drink 3 times a day. Constipation

How Concocting: Half (1 / 2) stems from aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. The content is cut into small pieces. Brewed with half (1 / 2) cup of water. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Warm food 2 times a day.

Aloe Vera For Diabetes mellitus

How Concocting: 2 sticks of aloe vera leaves, washed, discarded needles, cut into pieces. Boil 3 cups water, then strain. Drink 3 times daily after meals, each with half a glass.

Aloe Vera For lowering blood sugar levels

How Concocting: 1 stem of aloe vera large size (about the size of your palm) is cleaned by peeling the skin and thorns. Soak about 30 minutes in salt water. Squeeze a while and then rinse under running water (tap water). Boil 3 cups water to boil. Chill. Drink as much as 1 / 2 cups, 2 to 3 times daily.

Aloe Vera For Hair fertilising

How Concocting: 2 midrib aloe vera are washed and peeled. The contents rubbed on the scalp that had been washed in the afternoon. Wrap with cloth. The next day the hair is rinsed. Do it every day for 3 months.

Aloe Vera For Cough (stubborn)

How Concocting: 20 g aloe vera leaves are washed, peeled, cut into pieces. Give 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Drink 2 times a day. Repeat for 10 days. (By Suharso Rahman.