Tifatul seemed surprised when reporters asked for his response regarding the House of Representatives member from the Prosperous Justice Party faction (FPKS) reporter captured images were pornographic images on the current opening plenary session took place.
Former MCC president said he deeply regrets it if until there is a member of the House of Representatives opened pornographic images when they followed the trial.
"Behavior is a member of the House of Representatives would have received serious attention from society. I'm afraid will reduce the image of Parliament institution or faction, "he said.
On occasion, Tifatul remind, that all parties abide to the rule of law, namely the Law on ITE providing penalty of six to 12 years of spreading pornographic content on the Internet.
According to Tifatul, information received, members of Parliament gets a shipment email and when opened it turns out pornographic content which is then immediately removed.
"We can investigate, if members of Parliament that received shipments from an anonymous sender, he is the victim," he said.
Conversely, if a member of Parliament was actively searching in the browser, he said, then he is wrong, "he said.
He said he did not want to speculate about the possibility of a political trap that it could happen, but the Ministry of Communications and Informatics was not going into that realm.
Tifatul asserted, he was not going to stop campaigning positive content for Internet users.
"The key is in the user community itself, there must be awareness using the Internet for positive things," said Tifatul.