Bitung - This is a warning or a warning to citizens that have coastlines along the bottom for Manembo-nembo come to supervise development in their region. The reason according to the mayor of Bitung Hannah Sondakh, area had already been plotted to become a marine tourist resort city of Bitung.
"So I ask people not to carelessly sell their land and make sure if there is development along the area must be clear allocation for what," said Sondakh, Friday (08/04).
Sondakh himself admitted concern with the presence of a number of fishing companies throughout the area. Because according to him, the presence of fish companies will threaten marine tourism Bitung City Government initiated the future.
"Although the company claims will not remove the remains of fish or waste washing into the sea, but still could threaten marine tourism because the waste could leak," he said.
To that end he asked the district, village heads and heads of the environment to report any act of development along the coastline. And must coordinate with the distakot for designated areas of the city of Bitung clear and not overlapping. (En)