Cilacap (AFP) - Team Hyderabad Forensic Laboratory Branch began investigating the cause of the fire at the Pertamina Refinery Unit IV Cilacap, Central Java.
From AFP in front of the complex monitoring Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) IV Cilacap, Friday, at around 09.00 am, the official car of Cilacap Police chief and several Kijang Inova who allegedly boarded a number of officers from Semarang Branch Labfor enter the page "Head Office" (Office Centre) RU Pertamina Cilacap.
Passengers of the car was later entered Pertamina Headquarters RU IV Cilacap.
About an hour later, it appears the group that came out from headquarters to the location of fire which is located several hundred meters west of the building.
From a distance, some officers seemed to see the condition of three tanks on fire (it's been extinguished, ed.), The tank 31 T2, 31 T-3, and 31 T-7.
Around 11:00 am, a car went out of the complex Cilacap police chief RU Pertamina Cilacap Cilacap district police headquarters headed.
We met reporters in his office, Cilacap police chief Adj Police Commissioner Rudi Darmoko justify if Labfor Semarang Branch has begun to do if the scene (the scene) at the location of fire RU Pertamina Cilacap.
"Today, the team backed up Semarang Branch Labfor Forensic Police Headquarters under the direct leadership of Brigadier General of Police Andoyono Kapuslabfor already started doing crime scene. Until now still in (the location of fires, ed.), "He said.
According to him, though this scene can only be implemented because Pertamina has said if the three conditions of the tank was safe.
Besides Labfor and Forensic, he said, the cause of the fire investigation was also conducted by the investigators of Civil Servants (PPNS) of the Executive Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas).
"So there are three teams involved, namely Labfor Semarang Branch, Police Headquarters Forensic, and PPNS BP Migas," he said.
According to him, hoping to quickly resolve Labfor crime scene. "Probably about two-three days," he said.
Touched on the examination of witnesses, he was reluctant to say much.