Saturday, April 9, 2011

33,650 Residents Receive Help Tobasa LPG Tubing

Toba Samosir , North Sumatra , 8 / 4 (Xinhua) - As many as 33,650 citizens of the district of Toba Samosir , North Sumatra, will receive the packet size distribution of LPG gas cylinders three pounds, as a form of realization of kerosene into the fuel gas in the area.
"Once verified, the number of candidates receiving tube package officially recorded as many as 33,650, consisting of 33 246 households and 404 units of micro-businesses," said Head of the Economy Setdakab Toba Samosir (Tobasa), August Balige Nadeak on Friday.

According to him, the distribution tube kerosene to LPG conversion will be implemented in stages, beginning socialization and educational activities at the district level continued at the district level. Then, continue to perform data collection for eligible recipients.

Furthermore, said in August according to the results of verification, pendisribusian tube will be implemented. In this case, the PT, PT Pertamina has menghunjuk SCO Prima Inovatindo as a consultant in the District executing Tobasa.

"Before distributing implemented, socialization at the district level must be completed first according to a set schedule," said August

He said that for kerosene to LPG has been conducted since October 2010. Implementation should be gradual and is currently being finalized stages of socialization.

The use of LPG, continued in August is one alternative that provides economic benefits for society. Also, another benefit of the use of environmentally friendly energy.

According to him, when compared to burning kerosene produces carbon gases and smoke, the use of LPG relative does not produce smoke and no smell.

Vice Regent Tobasa, Liberty Pasaribu said Tobasa County Government, fully support the implementation of kerosene to LPG and hope, that all parties play an active role in mensukseskannya.

"Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 26 of 2009 concerning the provision and distribution of LPG must be followed. Candidates receiving public aid package is not income or expenditure of more than Rp1.500.000 per month, "he said.