Medan , 8 / 4 (AFP) - North Sumatera Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Wisjnu Sastro Amat said order in road traffic on the highway is to provide benefits in the imagery of a nation.
It was said the police chief in Socialization Revitalization Program Passes Cross Cultural Ethics in Police Jurisdiction Medan in Medan , on Friday.
He pointed out the proper order in Singapore as an example so that the country was very attractive to visit.
"I think, we are jealous of good order in Singapore," he said.
According to the police chief, if the order is to be realized in the city of Medan , let alone supported by a courteous and professional service from officers in the field such as personnel Traffic Unit and Department of Transportation, the tourism potential in these areas will be increasingly in demand.
Among tourists, both from within the country want any foreign surplus is expected to tell the city of Medan was the relation.
"They'll say, tour in Medan exciting, "said former Police Chief Advisor's Management Division.
However, if the order on the highway was not able to be realized, let alone the behavior of officers in the field is less mannered and unprofessional like conduct extortion against road users, among tourists who might become victims also will tell the evil city of Medan .
"They would say, do not want to go to Medan , officers 'horror-horror', "said Police Chief of North Sumatra laughter as he greeted hundreds of personnel One Traffic, Transport Department, Civil Service and Police Force that followed socialization.
To create order, the police chief of North Sumatra Wisjnu Pol Amat Sastro Inspector General stated, all officers in the field must act strictly in accordance with applicable regulations without forgetting the ethical and polite manner.
"We need to be firm but remain ethical, humane and decent," he said.