Washington (ANTARA News) - A nuclear reactor near Baltimore, United States, will be close to collapse within two days, if overwritten large-scale disasters such as occurred in Japan three weeks ago, said a member of the U.S. House mengutipkan draft report of the country's nuclear watchdog agency .
In the Commission's hearings in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce, Thursday pm, members of the Party congress Democrats , Diana DeGette, said research conducted last year by the Nuclear Supervisory Commission (NRC) has raised doubts about the readiness of U.S. in dealing with nuclear disaster.
NRC menskenariokan what will happen in two U.S. nuclear plant when it is in such terrible accidents that still occur in Fukushima, Japan, three weeks after a large earthquake and tsunami damage to power plants that are important for cooling the reactor core and "pool" penghabis reactor fuel.
One of the NPP were analyzed by NRC, Peach Bottom in Pennsylvania, is a heavy water reactor the GE Mark I, a model similar to the one in Fukushima.
NRC gives an example scenario at Peach Bottom that are less than 40 miles from Baltimore (city in the state of Maryland tebrsar dnegan population 620,000 people), lost both main power and backup generators after major disasters such as earthquakes, floods or fires.
In one simulation, the reactor is equipped with the latest technology that was introduced after the attacks of 11 September 2001. A more sophisticated model is used as an example, for menskenariokan what happened to the two old nuclear reactor in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
In this simulation, Peach Bottom reactors are supposed approaching dangerous crisis.
"When a large earthquake, flood or fire are assumed to have destroyed all sources of energy in a nuclear reactor in the same design with Fukushima and is located less than 40 miles from Baltimore - the contamination zone called for the U.S. to Japan where the NPP was assumed less than one hour would deal with partial nuclear destruction in the simulation NRC, "said DeGette said.
Damage occurs when the reactor core to overheat causing radiation terlepskan.
Congressman Henry Waxman says the NRC report had been "increasingly raised the question of whether we are as fragile as the existing reactor at Fukushima." He also said lawmakers should be critically questioned the matter of U.S. nuclear safety, according to this NRC report.
U.S. operates 104 nuclear reactors, 23 of whom have the same model with the damaged reactor in Japan.