Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time to Disband Governments 'Debt Collector'

71bfb00c669d5f77311ee77cdabf50ad Saatnya Pemerintah Bubarkan Debt Collector

BOGOR: Patience legal practitioner Oppung Surggu MH stated time for government to act decisively and disperse groups of debt collectors pay (debt collectors) that is much harm to the community.

"The government should take firm measures against debt collectors. If necessary, be dissolved, "he said in Bogor, on Friday (8 / 4), when asked for the case of debt collectors tekait response that causes a debtor dies.

According to Patience, the existence of debt collectors is more rampant and lead to the thuggery. "Their actions had exceeded the legal limit that causes the debtors fear," he said.

The government, he said, must take quick action longer allowing the existence of debt collectors. If there are banks which need billing services, should pass
lawyer. Because, the lawyers have ethics in billing.