Saturday, April 9, 2011

PRSU Encourage Investment Growth area

Medan , 8 / 4 (AFP) - North Sumatra Fair, held every year in Medan is considered as one effective means of encouraging investment and trade growth for the region in an effort to accelerate the pace of economic growth.

'PRSU (Fair North Sumatra) is an effective means for provinces, districts and cities, especially in North Sumatra to promote a variety of excellent products and a number of investment opportunities, "said Chairman of the Foundation PRSU, Panusunan Pasaribu told AFP in Medan , on Friday.

To take advantage of momentum, he added, it was always ready to enhance cooperation with all relevant government agencies in the Provincial Government (Provincial Government) North Sumatra ( North Sumatra ) and district / city, making PRSU really as effective promotional tool for a variety of potential superior products and marketing opportunities and investment.

The duties and responsibilities to optimize the role and function of PRSU in order to really become a means of promotion of effective trade and investment, according to Panusunan, certainly can not be fully handed over to the committee penyelanggara, but absolutely necessary support and proactive attitude of each participant PRSU.

In addition, he also invited all parties to understand more deeply about the vision of organizing PRSU, namely a potential promotion center of superior products, investment and culture.

Therefore, Panusunan states did not agree when organizing PRSU from year to year seem monotonous and not yet able to give a positive impact on the growth of trade and investment, particularly for districts that participated in the biggest annual promotion event in the province of North Sumatra that.

"The benefits of participation in PRSU participants can not be felt immediately, but takes the process and time. Promotional activities must be understood as a strategic move to promote the establishment of future growth in trade and investment transactions, "he explained.

He also expressed readiness to support the idea among members of the Provincial DPRD North Sumatra for PRSU no longer held a temporary, but lasts throughout the year.

"We have in principle welcomed the idea to hold PRSU throughout the year. However, from the technical side of the budget and its implementation should be studied more deeply by the agencies and related associations, "he said.

Especially with regard to the implementation PRSU 40th held since 18 March to 17 April 2011, Panusunan rate, the Government District in North Sumatra have shown much more intense earnestness to showcase a variety of excellent products and investment opportunities from their respective regions.

"Many excellent products are on display in the pavilion each district in PRSU able to attract the attention of visitors," said former District Central Tapanuli (Tapteng) it.

In fact, a lot of businessmen have started exploring a transaction with each small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that develop these superior products.

Nevertheless, Panusunan claim can not specify the total while transactions that have occurred in the arena PRSU because there are many SMEs and small and medium industries (SMI) who have not reported results and the types of products they traded.

In an effort to brighten PRSU-40, said Panusunan, it deliberately packed event promotion and exhibition presenting a variety of arts and cultural attractions, including inviting a number of artists from the capital Jakarta.

"The enthusiasm the public to visit the arena PRSU in 2011 is quite encouraging, although for some this past weekend the City of Medan frequent rain, "he said .