Doctors warned of dangerous consequences related to health information via Google search (googling). It is feared, the wrong diagnosis or excessive fear. International survey conducted Bupa health insurance providers covering more than 12 thousand people around the world. Globally, 68% of respondents use the Internet to find information on drugs and 47% of them make for himself an amateur diagnosis. In addition, more than 80% of Australians use the Internet to find out health problems. In addition, 70% of the Australian correspondent for information about medicines. Based on these studies, many people after checking with health information on the internet, claiming to doctors that they they have a big problem, but does not. On the other hand, many people also underestimate their health after a check the internet. Dr. Brian Morton, a former president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) as well as high-ranking Council of General Practice says it has seen a man who had symptoms of temporal arteritis (inflammation and damage to blood vessels that supply blood to the brain). This condition can cause blindness. However, the 70-year-old man was admitted frequently to check in search engines such as Google on the complaint on his body that is pain and pain in the jaw when chewing. He claimed he hit the side effects Lipitor, the popular drug to reduce cholesterol. "He thought to do was stop the consumption of cholesterol-lowering drugs," said Morton regrets. In fact, men also use a search engine to find out the drugs given Morton and try to guess the next treatment. "There is potential for Doctor Google and the community can result in disaster," said Morton. Morton also often find parents who ask for erectile dysfunction drugs ordering security of the Internet. The tendency of drug sales online is drug labeling 'natural' with the assurance that the product is just like eating fruit. Vice President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Dr. Steve Hambleton said the 'information explosion' on the Internet has spawned a lot of medical advice as well as the addition of false information. "Data is more than 50% of the people doing the diagnosis itself is a number that is really annoying. Be aware, you need someone with broader experience to see the medical parameters as a whole, "said Hambleton. That is why a doctor is not allowed to practice independently before attending the training at least 10 years. A simple example, headaches can be symptoms of brain tumors. However, most people with headaches do not have a brain tumor. "We sometimes spend time to convince someone that they do not have anything to worry about," said Hambleton again. On the other hand, it takes a long time also to show how severe the disease a person who already own state checks. Bupa survey shows some examples. Stomach cramps could be indigestion, appendicitis, or heart disease. Meanwhile, ear pain can mean the flu, ear infections or brain disorders. Hambleton confirmed university sites, medical journals and health site owned by the government or certain organizations are now beginning to specialize in certain diseases. |