Friday, February 11, 2011

Fpi Lagi Fpi Lagi... Huff....


Munarman threatening to his Indonesian Tunisia. State lost dignity? (Dok. Breaking News)

Rakyat Indonesia today is like thousands of cows that regardless of his cage. Cattle will not return to the cage with the persuasion-persuasion, but must be with the punches and lashes.

Yesterday, the Islamic Defenders Front, issued a serious threat: will do the trick if the government dared to dissolve the organization. Through his spokesman Munarman, FPI threatened to make Indonesia as Tunisia and Egypt.

Only in Indonesia, once again, only in Indonesia, a state institution that holds command over hundreds of thousands of military and police go around being threatened by an organization that only armed with machetes and spears. And the threat was not kidding: the threat of treason.

Only in Indonesia, the country could be made fun of without fear of consequences. Munarman can lightly threatened to overthrow SBY because he knows the government will not say anything. He knows the government will keep quiet because learning from previous events that the government is reluctant to use its officials to uphold the authority of the Republic.

When the slaughter of humans in Cikeusik the general public spectacle Like step on-screen performances (see human skin crawl with pleasure to record the tragedy of the massacre of fellow human beings!), State officials said nothing.

When the basic state ideology Pancasila conveniently considered infidel by groups who want to overthrow the Republic, state officials said nothing. Even in Madura standing mosque called Masjid Anti Pancasila state officials were silent.

Officials also said nothing when Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's become an idol younger generation, whereas the white bearded old man not at all contribute to our GDP, does not contribute to the alleviation of tens of millions of poor people of this country, do not contribute to the efforts of empowering our people who are still shackled to ignorance, and disappearance from the face of the earth he will actually make it into a peaceful Republic.

Munarman and FPI know that the state has no authority. Munarman and FPI know that the country could be slapped his left cheek and not even give back his right cheek. So Munarman and FPI can be conveniently threaten going to the Indonesian Tunisia. On behalf of freedom of speech. On behalf of democracy [sic!].

Our democracy too far because our stomachs are hungry and our brain is not sophisticated enough to understand what democracy is. We now like thousands of hungry cows that escapes from his cage and ran here and there, hit the car, and even endanger the lives of others. Beef-hungry can not be persuaded persuasion. Hungry cow can only be sent back to the cage with punches and lashes. Then after the cow was quiet in the cage, the shepherd should feed and train him for not acting wild. After a full and well-trained, then thousands of these cattle could be removed out of the cage slowly.

When we enjoy the breeze of democracy in 1998, our hungry stomachs rumbling. Since the stomach hungry, our brain can not think clearly. Freedom in the hands of the hungry and stupid would just be anarchy. Only people can think clearly satisfied and will appreciate the freedom in a way responsible.

No wonder, when we look at the list of most democratic countries in the world, ranking the top is dominated by rich countries , a country with people whose belly is full and intelligent brain. Democracy will fail in a country that its people hungry and his brain stalled. Once again, democracy will fail in a country that its people hungry and his brain stalled. Giving freedom to the less educated people are hungry and will only bring destruction as we see in our country.

I not only agree with Anies Baswedan that under certain circumstances entitled to monopolize the country 's decision to halt all violence, but I think the state should do more than that monopoly. Before any act of violence appears the state has had to do pre-emptive action based on intelligence information. The arrest is not taboo stuff. Why does Indonesia want to quasi-democracy, whereas in the UK who champion democracy alone was his usual no one was arrested based on intelligence information?

Currently, the most important is not to develop democracy. Indeed, if we need to step back first into the rear of the aspects of freedom. People should be disciplined because discipline is the key to responsible freedom. Fed so that his belly full. Given enough education so that his brain is not jammed. After that was introduced (again) with the essence of democracy. It may be that people will re interested in democracy, or even fall asleep with the comforts of life even less democratic countries such as Singapore!