Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Indonesian Muslims: “Obama Has Blood On His Hands”

Obama spent part of his childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia. Part of his trip abroad this week involves speeches where he will talk about the partnership that the United States is building with Indonesia and Indonesia’s pluralism and tolerance. Indonesia has a Muslim majority and about 20,000 of those Muslims attended rallies to protest Obama’s visit. A spokesman for the Muslim group Hizbut Tahrir, Ismail Yusanto said, “We don’t see the differences between Obama and Bush. They both oppress Muslims. They both have blood on their hands. That’s why we reject Obama and we don’t believe that he’s reaching out to Muslims”

Reaching out to Muslims…

The concept of ”reaching out” to someone includes the expected reaction that they would respond in kind. To reach back. To meet in the middle. To compromise. To “reach out” to Islam does not include meeting in the middle because Islam does not allow for compromise. The only way to gain acceptance by Islam is to convert. Period. End of story. That is not reaching out. And to be a member of Islam, one must hold a belief that the Koran is the literal word of Allah and that it is inerrant and the Koran is not bastions of tolerance that many of their respective “experts” say they are. The Koran is littered with hate and intolerance and promotes the murder of homosexuals, as well as members of other religions. There is no getting around the fact that the Koran contains many death” commandments. The moderate Muslim cannot deny this, and if they do, then they are not “true” to their faith.

The charges against Islam for their unspeakably horrific acts toward infidels are legendary. Every day the news wires are rife with violence in the name of Allah. Stories of innocent blood spilled are not uncommon and the video channels have no shortage of material by and about Muslims that only serve to incite more hate against those who do not believe. While the United States and other post-modern nations are trying to advance in areas of science and education to compete successfully in the global arena, Islamic fundamentalists consistently attempt to push these countries back into further ignorance.

Muslims are suffering from the mental illness of delusion and their ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy is blurred by their indoctrination. Thus, they hold completely inaccurate understandings of world history and most of the sciences. Reason gives way to fairy tales, impossibilities and outright untruths. Islam is outward in it’s animosity toward unbelievers and their doctrines inexorably lead to judgment and condemnation. In essence, Islamic dogma makes it very easy to mete out whatever punishment is deemed appropriate.

Pure and simple, the goal of Islam is world dominatin, the theocratic control over all aspects of human life, and they hold no interest in “compromising” or “reaching out” to anyone. Islamic factions are attempting to infuse Sharia law in the nations where they hold a majority and if given the opportunity, they would do so in the United States, as well. Islam is a poison on our society and it should not be tolerated. Like all religions, Islam offers a dangerous psychological ruse and relies on methods that are ineffective and come at a steep cost to the human species.