Before humans first set foot on the Continent of Australia about 40,000 years ago, a wide range of large-sized marsupials once lived there. One of the biggest is Diprotodon. Marsupials this one estimated the size of an adult Nile Horse. Judging from the shape morphology, it looks a bit like a Wombat - Australian marsupial animal species - but the giant-sized. Just like most other marsupial animals, Diprotodon also consume leaves as its main food. Although they are not animals that have nimble movements such as Kangaroos, but the size of a large and strong body makes the predator is very hard for the defeated.

When scientists found the fossil Moropus for the first time, they seemed difficult to believe the morphology of the creatures on this one. Ancient animals with a head resembling the head of this horse really has a strange body shape. Scientists describe it as a "mixture" of the three animals, namely horses, Giraffes dwarf, and Bear. Horse-like head and body that resembles a bear bodies connected by a fairly long neck like a giraffe's neck dwarf. With long nails sharp, distant, and the ability to run well of course he has a good self defense to avoid the predators. Moropus live in areas south and west Asia around 12,000 years ago.
3. Ambulocetus

nilah one of the ancient creatures that many claimed the adherents of Neo-Darwinism as strong evidence of a transition period into the terrestrial species of sea creatures. Ambulocetus, ancient animals with a mixture of similar stature ancestors of whales and otters live in what is now known as modern Pakistan about 50 million years ago. Ambulotecetus an adult body length is estimated about 12 feet. Form a large head with a long jaw. Sharp teeth designed for capturing and gripping prey. In the water, he can move with nimble thanks to the help of his tail that is used as the "motor" for his body.

Before humans first set foot on the Continent of Australia about 40,000 years ago, a wide range of large-sized marsupials once lived there. One of the biggest is Diprotodon. Marsupials this one estimated the size of an adult Nile Horse. Judging from the shape morphology, it looks a bit like a Wombat - Australian marsupial animal species - but the giant-sized. Just like most other marsupial animals, Diprotodon also consume leaves as its main food. Although they are not animals that have nimble movements such as Kangaroos, but the size of a large and strong body makes the predator is very hard for the defeated.

When scientists found the fossil Moropus for the first time, they seemed difficult to believe the morphology of the creatures on this one. Ancient animals with a head resembling the head of this horse really has a strange body shape. Scientists describe it as a "mixture" of the three animals, namely horses, Giraffes dwarf, and Bear. Horse-like head and body that resembles a bear bodies connected by a fairly long neck like a giraffe's neck dwarf. With long nails sharp, distant, and the ability to run well of course he has a good self defense to avoid the predators. Moropus live in areas south and west Asia around 12,000 years ago.
3. Ambulocetus

nilah one of the ancient creatures that many claimed the adherents of Neo-Darwinism as strong evidence of a transition period into the terrestrial species of sea creatures. Ambulocetus, ancient animals with a mixture of similar stature ancestors of whales and otters live in what is now known as modern Pakistan about 50 million years ago. Ambulotecetus an adult body length is estimated about 12 feet. Form a large head with a long jaw. Sharp teeth designed for capturing and gripping prey. In the water, he can move with nimble thanks to the help of his tail that is used as the "motor" for his body.
4. Lystrosaurus

Before the emergence of dinosaurs, living creatures on Earth once enlivened by some strange animal that resembles a reptile. One of them is Lystrosaurus. Ancient animals are quite interesting because this odd shape living in marshy habitats, but he also does not matter if it should be forced to inhabit places that are categorized as dry. Lystrosaurus estimated to inhabit the earth about 230 million years ago.
5. Phorusrhacos

About 20 million years ago, South America is a continent that has so many variations of species of birds and mammals. One of them is a fairly well-known species of carnivorous bird named Phorusrhacos. He is a bird species that can not fly. Her height can reach 10 feet (3 meters). Although unable to fly, they are fast runners. This makes Phorusrhacos can easily to capture prey. Phorusrhacos species estimated to exist until 3 million years ago. Scientists estimate Phorusrhacos extinction caused by the emergence of several other predators that migrate from North to South Amrika after the two connected by a central American mainland that appears to the mainland.
6. Mammoth

I'm sure my friends are already familiar with this one legendary animal. Mammoth is one of the ancient animals are so popular. Physically resembles the elephant but has a thick fur disekujur body. Great stature as well as additional "weapon" in the form of ivory that was so long makes it so difficult to conquer any predators. The paintings that the scratched on cave walls by early humans lot illustrates how difficult this animal to be conquered by them. Mammoth is about animals that inhabit the coast of Wrangel Island north of Siberia. Many scientists believe, the last generation of Mammoth still be found around 4000 years ago during construction of Khufu's pyramid at Giza, Egypt has been completed.
7. Tiger Tooth Sword

Known, there are two genus of these animals, namely Genus Genus Smilodon and Homotherium. In general, the type of long Smilidon Genus fangs can reach more than 18 centimeters, while for genus Homotherium have about 10 inches long canines. These animals hunt horses, bison, antelope as food