Friday, June 24, 2011

Online registration PPDB SMP 2011 Jakarta

Online registration PPDB SMP 2011 - Be it known that the online submission / registration and pre-registration can be accessed onlilne has started on 23 June 2011 at 4:00 pm. s, d schedule, please see the "Schedule Implementation".

As for the things to note are:

* Pre Registration: Pre registration is intended for students from outside the area, graduates of Package A / B, a graduate last year, foreign graduate students who have been equalized.
* After conducting an online pre-registration please verify the schedule date 23 to 25 June of the school district who has been appointed. look at the "pre-registration info".
* Upon verification prapendaftaran prospective students have been able to do online filing just like students in DKI Jakarta.
* Students in DKI Jakarta graduates of 2011 can directly perform the submission / registration online by clicking the menu select online submission of regular, input the number of national exams with kententuan last 9 digits of the number of national exams, for example: 013 847 676.
* Verify the registration on June 30 at 27.28 and the nearest school.
* Prospective students who do not do the verification is not included in the selection of online real time PPDB DKI Jakarta.

Congratulations to follow PPDB Real Time Online Education Office of DKI Jakarta, while the selection results can be viewed online in realtime this site, or can also sms to 3949, with the following provisions:

PSB [space] NomorPendaftaran

* Registration Number is a number that is obtained after the registration process and are printed on the proof of student enrollment

Sample shipment:
PSB 30010900001

Send your SMS to: