Crying is how babies communicate with you to tell what her wishes. But sometimes, the crying can make you panic and confusion. Here are four ways to cope with crying babies, as reported from Fit Pregnancy.
1. Meet The need is
One way to cope with crying babies is to meet its needs. Find out if your baby is hungry? sleepy? urinating or large? By checking the baby's condition regularly and make sure he's okay, you can reduce the risk he would cry.
2. Reducing Excessive stimulation
Sometimes babies cry even though all your needs are fulfilled. This usually happens because he's getting too much stimulation. This stimulation can vary, such as light, sound and the people around him.
The baby had been inside the womb for almost 10 months and are in a dark environment. Once born, he suddenly was in a bright environment, a lot of noise and surrounded by many people. Newborns need time to adjust to his new environment. Therefore, they could just suddenly cry because it is not convenient.
If your baby is crying all of a sudden when all kebutuhanya already filled, try to bring the baby to a quieter room. Turn off the television or music that can make them upset. Hold your baby and rub-rub his back to calm him down.
3. Babywearing
According to the site Instictive-Parenting, some babies cry because they want to feel better. They could have made him cry because of environmental stress and feel surprised when living outside the fetus. If the baby is crying because of it, gendonglah him and let the crying. But show him if he can show his emotions. Do not buckle the baby too hard. Try to distract him with toys. By letting a baby cry to release the stress he felt, this crying episode will gradually decrease.
4. Control Your Emotions
Keep in mind, the baby is very sensitive to the environment. If you as a mother to feel stressed, anxious, sad or impatient, the baby can feel it. Especially if you feel these feelings while holding her. Try to control your emotions and change the discomfort was a feeling of love.