Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sultan Got a Right to Veto Against draft

Jakarta (News): Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi said that a place of honor for the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Paku Alam IX in the primary position as governor and vice governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is the right of veto against the draft regulations addressed parliament.

This was conveyed by Minister of Home Affairs was accompanied by Minister of Justice and Human Rights Patrilis Akbar while conveying pengatar discussion of the bill the government for the privilege (RUUK) DIY in a working meeting with the House of Representatives Commission II at the House of Parliament on Wednesday [26.01].

In a meeting headed by Chairman of Commission II of DPR Chairuman Harahap and attended by several members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) RI, Home Minister also expressed the three substances in RUUK DIY.

First, legal recognition of the Sultanate and Pura Pakualaman position as a cultural heritage that has the function of guard, conservationist and reformer of assets and values of indigenous cultures of Indonesia as a world cultural heritage.

Second, DIY has a shape and composition of government that are different from other provinces in Indonesia. The fundamental difference lies in the Sultanate and Pakualaman integration into the structure of the Provincial Government of DIY at the same time separation between the authority and management structures of political and governmental affairs of everyday with strategic political affairs.

Integrating the Sultanate and Pakualaman into the structure of the Provincial Government of DIY is done through the following authorizing the implications inherent in them to the Sultan and Paku Alam as a single entity that serves as a governor and lieutenant governor primary key or another term is more appropriate.

Third, the privilege in the culture, land and spatial planning. Special authority in all three matters were realized through the full authority in setting policy and in formulating the Special Local Regulation of the third government affairs.

In connection with the authority in the land sector, the Sultan and Paku Alam as the main governor and vice governor of the primary authority to give the general direction of policy, consideration, approval and veto against the draft regulations proposed local council and the governor and / or special regulations in force.

DIY Keistimewan Not Related Only Governor

Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi argued, privileges exer Special Region (DIY) is not only related to the mechanism of filling the office of governor and lieutenant governor, but also there are many other dimensions.

This was conveyed by Minister of Home Affairs was accompanied by Minister of Justice and Human Rights Patrilis Akbar while conveying the government introduction of the discussion draft Law Privileges (RUUK) DIY in a working meeting dengn House of Representatives Commission II at the House of Parliament on Wednesday.

In a meeting headed by Chairman of Commission II of DPR Chairuman Harahap and attended by several members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) RI, the Minister of Home Affairs explained that the proposed adan RUUK DIY never discussed in the Parliament service period 2004-2009.

But the discussion was not successfully completed because there is no consensus about filling the office of governor and deputy governor of DIY.

In a government meeting with the House of Representatives on September 28, 2009, direkomendaskan that continued discussion on the agenda priorities RUUK Parliament 2009-2014.

Home Minister said, when the government set up this DIY RUUK, public discourse has been dominated by the issue of determination or election of governor and deputy governor of DIY. "Whereas in RUUK DIY privilege is not merely regulate it," said Minister of Home Affairs.

Home Minister also explained about the preparation of RUUK DIY paradigm in the philosophical dimension and the dimension of the historical-political perspective, the dimension of socio-psychological and legal dimensions.

From the philosophical dimensions confirmed that Yogyakarta is never created a dilemma for Indonesia, but rather a solution to the problems facing Indonesia.

In this regard, the Sultanate and Pakualaman central role in the governance of social life, political and cultural community of Yogyakarta have formulated, but also must be integrated into the social and political system of Indonesia.

"It's not just for the sake of Indonesia, but also in the Sultanate of choice and philosophical keragka Pakulaman for instimewa positioned within the Unitary Republic of Indonesia," he said.

From the juridical dimension, privileges Yogyakarta regulated through Law No.3/1950 on the Establishment of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. But it is not regulated in the Act are clear and comprehensive range of substances and the specific matters that reflect exclusivity.

In fact, said Minister of Home Affairs, various rules of governance in Indonesia has given strong recognition of the distinctive status of Yogyakarta, although the format of local government arrangements with other regions.

Home Minister asserted that RUUK not solely intended to look into the past. But one should have the capacity to respond to social change, facilitating the transformation of society and is dedicated to welcome the future. (Ant)