According to him, 23 households, currently still in the barracks, and they will be placed in "shelters" and Umbuhharjo Glagahharjo Village.
"Those who have not recorded it our immediate akomodir, and they will be placed in the` shelter in Banjarsari Glagaharjo Village `, and` `Umbulharjo in Plosokerep shelter," he said.
He said to meet the needs of residents in "shelter", the Government District (Regency) has submitted a package of Sleman daily needs and life assurance funds (jadup) worth Rp 5,000 per person for a month.
"As for the next jadup, we have not received an answer from the central government, whereas people in dire need, so we ask the attention of the provincial government about it. Sleman District Government has and will provide assistance jadup form of rice and instant noodles, "he said.
Sri Purnomo said of a total of 2356 units of "shelter" that is currently ready for occupancy, which had occupied about 81 percent, or 1899 units.
"We expect` shelter 'which is currently unfinished, to be completed, and all of the Merapi eruption disaster victims who lost their homes, immediately get shelter, because they have more than four months in the barracks, "he said.
He said with the completion of the construction of "shelter", expected to be a "hall household" which could be occupied while the victims of Merapi with more comfortable than when I was in the barracks.
"Thus, the residents could be more serious in the work and activities for the benefit of the family economy," he said.