Friday, January 28, 2011


Plato (Greek Πλάτων) (born around 427 BC - died around 347 BC) was a very influential Greek philosopher, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle's. His most famous work is the Republic (in Greek Πολιτεία or politeia, "country") where he describes the outline of his views on the state of "ideal". He also wrote the 'Law' and a lot of dialogue in which Socrates is the main participant.

Plato's most important contribution, of course, is his knowledge about the idea. This world is nothing but a reflection or shadow than ideal world. In an ideal world everything is perfect. This not only refers to the rough stuff that can be held alone, but also about the concepts of mind, the intellectual fruit. Let's say the concept of "wisdom" and "truth".

In the field of linguistics, Plato considered the first person who introduced the term grammar, the word is derived from the Greek, grammata, which means 'able to read and write' while the term for people who understand the use of letters in the language is called grammatikos.

He divides the sentence into two categories, namely: onoma, which is the nominal component, and rhema, which is a verbal component. Plato defines sentence as the smallest unit of mind and a complete verbal expression which contains complete idea.

In addition, his contribution which is also very important is in the field of phonology, where he made a number of segmental phonemes classification prevailing in the Greek language which consists of vowels and consonants, then it also classifies the consonant sounds in the continuum and stop which are not able to be uttered without vowel sounds that attach to it. Furthermore, Plato’s carefulness in observing the changes that occur in words forming from the same letters can have different meanings due to the different in stress and intonation is also was one of Plato's important contributions in phonology, he exemplifies the word in Greek language diiphilos, which means 'friends of god' and the word diphilos, which means proper name.