Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Consultative Service on United States Undergraduate Study Abroad

Frequent IHEC Blog readers know that I am very interested in the history of international education and in particular here in the United States. The following is a snippet from my research notes on the history of outcomes assessment, program evaluation and standards of good practice in study abroad that I thought I would share here on IHEC Blog:

The Consultative Service on United States Undergraduate Study Abroad was a coordinating venture of the Association of American Colleges, the Council on Student Travel, the Experiment in International Living, and the Institute of International Education. It was formed in the spring of 1963 with a grant by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Its objectives were: (1) to secure full and precise information on international education, (2) to coordinate the rapidly proliferating ventures of United States educational institutions for undergraduate study abroad, (3) to ease communication and cooperation between institutions, and (4) to establish the basis for determining standards which will evaluate undergraduate study abroad programs.

Institute of International Education: Undergraduate Study Abroad, Report of the Consulate Service on U.S. Undergraduate Study Abroad (New York: The Institute, 1964).
Speakman, C.E. (1966). International Exchange in Education. New York: Center for Applied Research in Education. pp. 71-72