Maulida Nuri (born in Bandung, 22 November 1985; age 22 years old) is the stage and the presenter of Indonesia. Nuri in acting through its feature films me VS High Heels. In addition to playing movies Nuri also has a number of her patron. Nuri also known as a presenter in Kassel in the FAP and the host of VH1 music channel that appear on TV, local TV with Mary Priscilla, Serenade and Putu.

Nuri had a relationship with the love pesinetron Dimaz Andrean and also Ferry Ardiansyah.
Me VS High Heels (The Series) Starvision. Senyuman Ananda Bauman Ananda, Cinderella Bukan Mimpi Cinderella Not a Dream, Katakan Kau Mencintaiku Tell mom Mencintaiku, Hidayah PRESENTATION, Cahaya Surga Light of Heaven, Perempuan Teraniaya Women did last, Legenda eps.Malin Kundang Legend eps.Malin Kundang, Legenda eps.Si Manis Jembatan Ancol Legend eps.Si Manis Bridge Ancol, Legenda eps.Si Kabayan Legend eps.Si Kabayan, Benci Jadi Cinta So I hate, Ghost, Dongeng eps.Rapunzel Folklore eps.Rapunzel, Sujudku, FTV Cintaku tertinggal di Kuta FTV looking behind in Kuta, Cahaya Light, Cinta Fitri Season 2 Love Fitr Season 2