Chika, familier call name, started his career from the world model. Previously, he was a model school in the John Casablanca. After mecoba promises in several agencies, chika get roles in movies as Kara Dealova 2005. Chika also play movies in Malaysia, Diva (2007). Currently, the more he plays in the patron and her ad. Lucky Jessica Iskandar has a face like a star oriental Korea. That is the one that can penetrate the art world role. Through kasting in several agencies, the Korean face is then penetrated the world on. Tickle the experience during beradegan, he was smack 25 times with Ben Joshua.

Before the world to carry the model, Jessica Iskandar was a model school in the John Casablanca. Jessica Iskandar, which originally called normal Chika decided not to jump on the world because of the high feel inadequate. But still trying kasting participate in some agencies. Outside the allegations, the woman penyuka green produce this result, after the tens kasting, Chika finally get its first role as Kara, in the movie Dealova.

Through this film starts Chika known. Many of the bids came in a maiden penyuka Harry Potter, the start of the ad, patron, FTV, Chika was even play movies in Malaysia as a labor Indonesian woman named Merra through the movie Diva. 'I was happy. Finally, weary pains I succeeded, 'he said.