Monday, November 22, 2010

Canoo attending official JavaFX Launch December 4, 2008

Canoo is delighted to announce that it will be attending the official launch of Sun Microsystem’s JavaFX technology on December 4th, 2008, in San Francisco, CA.

The event will feature a keynote from Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz and demonstrations of this significant new addition to the Java platform.

Canoo is one of a handful of so-called “Java application showcase project” partners. These partners were specifically chosen by Sun because of their leading roles in the booming Rich Internet Application (RIA) market place.

Canoo’s CEO Hans-Dirk Walter and senior software engineer Mike Mannion will be talking about their experiences with the first official version of JavaFX, and will be offering their opinions on the contribution it makes to the RIA space.

On show will be a brand new version of the well-known Music Pinboard application. The application makes use of JavaFX’s built-in multimedia support - something which was lacking entirely when the MP was realised using first publicly available version of JavaFX (first announced at JavaOne 2007).

And needless to say we will be paying close attention to how Sun positions its new baby, as well as to what the other attendees are saying. So stay tuned for some exciting updates over the coming days!

Finally, here’s a taster of how the new app looks like:

Musicpinboard - Reloaded