Friday, January 28, 2011

Language (definition)

“Language is an arbitrary vocal symbol by means of which the members of society communicate each other”
Onomatoapoei vs. Arbitrariness
The controversy among linguist concerning either language is arbitrary or onomatopoeia begins since 6 B.C. in the ancient Greek. There were two groups of linguist who have different concept of naming things in language; they were, in one side, phusis who believed that language is onomatopoeia and thesis, on the other side, who believed that language is arbitral.
  • First was introduced by phusis;
  • There are connections/associations between words and nature;
  • The echo of nature is used to name the concepts of material.
  • Other example of onomatopoeia:
- splash, pick, sway, etc.

“There be no direct, necessary connection between the nature of the things or ideas language deals with and the linguistic units or combinations by which these things or ideas are expressed.”
  • The language items have no direct connection with the concept they represent;
  • — In naming things, human doesn’t follow certain rule;
  • — The names of things are the result of convention among the language users.