Monday, March 28, 2011

Causes Of Drug Addiction

CAUSES OF DRUG ADDICTION _____ Drug addiction can be caused by a variety of reasons. And of course everyone has different reasons why you should opium with drugs? The cause of drug addiction is a complex topic, being that each person has their own set of circumstances, but there are some common factors that can help you understand the cause of drug addiction.

What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction is a compulsive disorder. Addiction can be of varied kinds, namely drugs, alcohol, gambling, spending, smoking or any other behavior .


  • We are all a reflection of our environments. If a person is raised in a home where drugs were part of life, or a culture where drugs are accepted, then it is much more likely that they too will become curious first and addicted shortly thereafter.

  • Anxiety, depression, low self esteem and stress; A person’s mood and state of well being can play a large part in a person’s perception of right or wrong. When you add drugs into the mix, it becomes a habitual circle of self destruction.

  • Humans are born curious and information about drugs is everywhere. It’s not hard to wonder what the hype is about if you have never been taught otherwise.

  • Everyone has peers and if getting high is what is acceptable in your social setting or circle of influences, you will be pressured to perform or act in the same way.

If you or someone you know is seeking treatment for drug and/or alcohol addiction, group therapy might be a good place to start. It can be very beneficial for those seeking help with their addictions. Group therapy is offered in just about every treatment center, but it is also available outside of those facilities. In most cases, a group leader or counselor will lead the therapy meetings. Participants will be able to share their stories and listen to others.

Most groups will allow participants to just listen if they are uncomfortable with speaking about themselves initially. This treatment method works for many, but it’s not for everyone. The best thing anyone can do who is trying to get themselves or others off of drugs or alcohol is to read the materials on the method and decide for themselves if it is right for them.

Researching and finding the best center for group therapy is vital. A local center would be essential, but if it’s not right, it’s not right. Some centers will have more group therapy sessions than others. Some will have counselors that you are more comfortable with. Or maybe residential treatment is necessary. There isn’t one universal best approach to choosing the right place. It has be the best for each individual addict. Being in comfortable surroundings is very helpful in the recovery process.